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Transport 2000

Camper Van Demo

Project Freeman · Transport 2000



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(Chords and Lyrics)




© Project Freeman Music (27th April & 15th June 1997 Gregorian)

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I’ve been driving in my car

Not been getting very far

I’d be quicker on a horse


Crawling at 10 miles an hour

What a waste of that horse power

A 100 years but still the speed of a horse


So what’s the point of building roads

When you’re overtaken by the toads

Getting angry with the guy in front


Next time I’m gonna take the bus

(Or ride my bike cos there’s no rush)

Then I can travel with the guy in front


Cos this is Transport 2000

Life in metal cans

Yes this is Transport 2000

Juggernauts in caravans


Today we tried to go to town

Spent half an hour drivin’ ‘round

Looking for a place to park


Queue’s of traffic everywhere

Stacked up high into the air

Fight for one space with the guy in front


And the craziest thing of all

A double Decker costs fuck all

Two old biddies on the bottom deck


But you never see an ad.

For double Decker’s and it’s sad

The driver cannot take a cheque


Cos this is Transport 2000

Life in metal cans

Yes this is Transport 2000

Juggernauts in caravans


So when you need to go somewhere

Try and see if you can share

It could be better for your health


Cos driving drives you to despair

Driving drivers everywhere

Burning up the planets natural wealth


We’ve all got lazy through the years

Independent, no one cares

Sharing trips means 'coming last'


But if we all give it a try

We might recall the reason why

We used to like it in the past


Cos this is Transport 2000

Life in metal cans

Yes this is Transport 2000

Juggernauts in caravans


Cos this is Transport 2000

Life in metal cans

Yes this is Transport 2000

Juggernauts in caravans



The Story of 'Transport 2000'

Transport 2000

This was me throwing my two-penneth into the whole 'sustainable transport' debate which was in the news in 1997 Gregorian as the year 2000 was approaching and we still had (and still have!) a massive bias towards the car industry.

It turns out that 'Transport 2000' had been launched in 1973! So that was a big success then! (NOT!)

I love driving, espacially out on the open road in my van, but lets be honest it sucks driving in a city, and that's what this one is all about. Traffic jams, parking problems, congestion, stress, pollution, it's just no fun at all, and way easier to take a bus or something. But public transport is generally underfunded, not promoted anywhere near as much as car ownership and not very convenient, especially from more rural areas into towns and cities, so it's no wonder people want to drive, even with all the hassle

I guess not a lot has changed since I wrote this song and the same problems still exist. Let's hope we get it sorted before 'Transport 3000' comes around FFS!


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© Project Freeman Music (1997 Gregorian)