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Litmus A Freeman


Song Love Song

Camper Van Demo

Project Freeman ยท Song Love Song



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(Chords and Lyrics - to come)




© Project Freeman Music (20/12/2009, 2/2/2011 & 12/2/2023 Gregorian)

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You're my number one

We're having so much fun

I really love you Versey One


I've gone overboard

All other songs ignored

You've got all my favourite chords


But hold on! Is my love strong?

I feel a change, in the song, coming on!


It's Chorus One, chorus chorusy one

I'm singing Chorus One

Dum dum, dumbadee dum

I'm loving Chorus One

Yeah I love you

(and this jazzy D9)


When I first heard you

I really fell it's true

I fell in love with Versey Two


You're the verse for me

And that's how it should be

I can't imagine a versey three


But now you... have led me to

a chorus too, it must be called Chorus Two!


Chorus Two, chorus chorusy two

I'm loving Chorus Two

Scoobydoo doo, scoobadee doo

I love you Chorus Two

Chorus Two, two chorusy two

I love you Chorus Two

Yeah I love you


Oh but I'm falling in love with the Middle Eight now

It's a change in the song but not for long

And the chorus and verse, they would sound worse

Without the change you bring along


And now I see what's happening to me

I'm into Chorus Three!

Doobadee dah, doobadoo dee

I love you Chorus Three

Chorus Three yeah chorusy three

I love you Chorus Three


And now I'm sure there's got to be more

Yeah it's Chorus Four

On the song we're closing the door

Singing Chorus Four

Chorus Four, four chorusy four

I love you Chorus Four


I'm gonna strive to keep it alive

By singing Chorus Five!

Chorus Five yeah chorusy five

I love you Chorus Five


(etc etc to fade)



The Story of 'Song Love Song'

Song Love Song


This idea came to me spontaneously whilst recording a demo of the chord structure of this tune with my good friend Dirk (The Drummer) Forsdyke back in 2009 Gregorian

The music was intended for another song for which I didn't have the words handy when we started the session, so I just needed some words to sing the melody as a simple guide vocal. In that moment I just made up some silly words about loving each part of the tune we were playing in a very fickle way, and we had a good laugh doing it. So I decided to keep the idea and one day properly write my love song to the song, and here it is in it's final structure 14 years later! :)


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© Project Freeman Music (2009/2011/2023 Gregorian)